MASN invites students in afterschool programs and youth organizations to participate in the 2024 Missouri Youth Entrepreneurship Pitch Challenge.  

Students benefit when immersed in micro-enterprise and entrepreneurial opportunities that connect them with peers to cultivate the entrepreneurial mindset.  

NEW this year:
Programs, please register before students submit videos.

Programs can earn up to $600 in prizes. Earn $200 each for having the grand prize winner in your program, having the most student participants, or having the best program leader pitch. 
What is a Program Pitch? Program leaders can submit a 1 -2-minute persuasive pitch encouraging other programs to participate by stating why you love pitching in your program.


Reminder: Programs need to register!

Contact: Aaron Banks,, for further questions. 

Support for The Pitch Challenge: Ongoing support is provided by MASN through generous funding from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. Technical assistance partners include Young Entrepreneur Institute, and Venture Lab.

Categories: MASN Blog