Longenecker Conference rooms filled with light and laughter, friends of new and...
continue reading this article.Announcement!
MASN to participate in innovative STEM Workforce Development!
afterschool in Missouri
For every 1 youth in an afterschool program in Missouri, 3 youth are waiting to get in.
Be part of advocating for more quality afterschool programs in Missouri!
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
Afterschool Enrichment Grants
We are the Missouri Afterschool Network!
Building partnerships: at the local, state and national levels.
Supporting policies: that sustain and advance afterschool programs.
Ensuring quality: by creating statewide systems for programs and professionals.
Learn the Latest News!
Calling All Afterschool Program Directors: Help Bring Your Local Leaders to the MASN Municipal Institute!
Hey there, afterschool champions! Brad Lademann here, and I’m reaching out to...
continue reading this article.Happy Lights On Afterschool
https://youtu.be/XszAqvzAihQhttps://youtu.be/jDkQiO86QHohttps://youtu.be/qy1-t53Uz4s The Missouri AfterSchool Network would like to thank all the afterschool...
continue reading this article.Announcing the 2024-2025 ARPA Afterschool Enrichment Grant Program
It’s time! The 2024-2025 ARPA Afterschool Enrichment Grant program, an initiative designed...
continue reading this article.