Afterschool Ambassador

The goal of the STEM Peer Learning Community (PLC), supported by a grant to MASN from the Million Girls Moonshot (MGM) initiative, is to equip afterschool educators with the tools to facilitate effective learning in STEM.
The PLC will focus on expanding content through STEM Playlists and enhancing delivery through Reflective Coaching. Afterschool educators who participate in the program will:
• Experience personalized professional development to deepen skills.
• Access STEM Playlists – curated lessons – to implement with youth.
• Receive 1:1 coaching in STEM education principles.
• Build relationships with peers who are doing similar work.
The Entrepreneurship in Afterschool Peer Learning Community (PLC) provides support and resources to afterschool programs engaging in entrepreneurship education. Although entrepreneurship education is available to all grades, the focus of the Charles S. Mott Foundation Opportunity Grant for entrepreneurship education targets opportunities for middle and high school students in out-of-school time programs. This PLC includes support from Mott Foundation Training and Technical Assistance partners Young Entrepreneur Institute and Venture Lab as well as introductions to state and regional entrepreneurship resources. As a peer learning community, this group shares best practices and resources in developing a healthy youth entrepreneurship ecosystem around the state.

Career Awareness and Post-Secondary Access (CAPSA)
The Career Awareness and Post-Secondary Access (CAPSA) Peer Learning Community provides support and resources to middle school and high school afterschool programs engaging in college and career readiness/career awareness and post-secondary access activities. The Charles S. Mott Foundation Opportunity Grant for college and career readiness targets opportunities for high school students in out-of-school time programs. This PLC includes support from MASN CAPSA Training and Technical Assistance provider 220 Leadership, as well as Mott Foundation TA partner Michigan College Access Network. It will also include connection to statewide resources through state agencies such as DESE College and Career Readiness Office, Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, Missouri Regional Professional Development Centers, Missouri College Access Network etc. As a peer learning community, this group shares best practices and resources supporting students in their future hopes and dreams through career pathway planning.
Middle School Career Awareness and Post-Secondary Access
The Middle School CAPSA PLC will focus on providing resources to middle school afterschool programs engaging in college and career readiness/career awareness and post-secondary access activities. This PLC includes support from MASN CAPSA Training and Technical Assistance provider VentureLab.