Please contact your legislator March 7-10, 2022 to let him/her know that afterschool programs help keep kids safe, healthy and away from drugs and tobacco. Call your state representative and state senator during business hours to leave a message about the role of afterschool programs in helping youth thrive and avoid use of drugs and tobacco.


Legislators get a ton of emails and in our experience, they are more likely to engage with phone messages.


Go to On the homepage near the bottom left you will see a box to enter your address and find out who your state representative and state senator are. Click on their names to find their office phone numbers.


Call and leave a voice mail, or if the legislative assistant answers, ask if they will take a message for the legislator.

Script: I would like to leave a message for Sen./Rep.____________. My name is [YOUR NAME] and I work at [YOUR PROGRAM NAME] in [YOUR COMMUNITY]. I am calling to let Rep./Sen. __________ know that afterschool programs like ours help to prevent drug and tobacco use by youth. Afterschool professionals are trained to help youth handle stress, improve self-esteem and build positive relationships with peers and adults. If he/she has any questions, I can be reached at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER].


Please consider posting these images to social media and tagging your legislators:

Categories: MASN Blog