Through the MASN Quality Committee, afterschool program directors have voiced a need for a regular, virtual, space to ask questions, brainstorm, and build connections with peers.
A director networking call is a need we at MASN can help facilitate! Ashlee Liska, associate director for quality, highlights the importance of listening to the needs of Missouri’s afterschool programs, “We value the input from the afterschool space; programs benefit the most when they are able to come together about key topics on a regular basis.”, Ashlee said.
MASN will facilitate monthly Afterschool Program Director Networking Calls on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Each opportunity to collaborate will focus on a different topic, announced in advance, so program directors can prepare questions or be ready to share experiences and expertise.
Let’s come together for the first Director’s Networking Call on February 14 covering employee recruitment. Bring concepts that explore what recruitment strategies are working for you, what you have tried that wasn’t successful, and what can we do to attract people to the field.
We are thrilled to bring this opportunity to programs across the state!
Who would benefit? Afterschool Program Directors or Administrators
What is the purpose? Virtually visit with colleagues throughout the state to ask questions, brainstorm, and build your connections.
When does this magic happen? The 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m.