The Missouri AfterSchool Network (MASN) is proud to announce the launch of a youth career readiness program focusing on the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in Missouri. STEM Next Opportunity Fund, a national nonprofit and leading expert in out-of-school time (OST) STEM education, has been awarded a $3.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Youth Workforce Pathways program to support the launch of its Exploring Career Connections in STEM (EC²) Initiative in Missouri, Nebraska, South Carolina, and South Dakota through partnerships with state afterschool networks. 

The EC² Initiative is an innovative model that fosters partnerships among afterschool programs, workforce development boards, schools, employers, and industry associations to create sustainable solutions that address barriers to STEM careers for underserved youth. Missouri was selected as a participant in the initiative because it is experiencing economic growth and an increasing need for skilled STEM workers.

“We are grateful to STEM Next for including Missouri in this important work.  Although MASN does not typically provide direct services to students, we are looking forward to partnering with and supporting afterschool providers as they develop local work-based learning opportunities for youth”, said Terri Foulkes, executive director of MASN.  

The program will support afterschool sites across Missouri, as they provide youth with:

  • Work-based learning training to prepare them as STEM facilitators for afterschool programs
  • Career exploration opportunities, job readiness training, mentorship, and connections to community-based supports
  • Access to internships, apprenticeships, potential employers, and post-secondary education pathways

Additional younger youth in out-of-school-time STEM programs will also benefit through career exploration activities delivered by EC² youth trainees.

“Exploring Career Connections in STEM is providing a new model for workforce development in STEM fields by integrating afterschool programs into the career readiness continuum,” said Ron Ottinger, executive director of STEM Next Opportunity Fund. “The power of partnerships ensures that youth from rural and underserved communities are not left behind in the fast-growing STEM economy, while also responding to the growing workforce needs of the nation.”


The U.S. Department of Labor grant will fund 28 percent, totaling $3,299,928, of the total project costs. STEM Next, its affiliates and partners are leveraging an additional $8,438,689 from non-governmental sources to support the remaining 72 percent of total costs for the EC2 initiative.

STEM Next aims to expand the program to additional states by the end of the project period.

The Missouri AfterSchool Network, established in 2002, is dedicated to improving, supporting, and sustaining high-quality afterschool programs across the state. Funded by the C. S. Mott Foundation and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), we bring together partners to create a comprehensive support system for afterschool programs. Our mission focuses on three key areas: building partnerships at local, state, and national levels; supporting policies that advance afterschool programs; and ensuring quality through the development of statewide systems for both programs and professionals. By fostering collaboration and advocating for effective policies, we strive to create a robust framework that enhances the afterschool experience for children throughout Missouri.

About STEM Next Opportunity Fund
STEM Next Opportunity Fund is a nonprofit organization that makes high-quality STEM learning opportunities a reality for millions of young people across the nation by supporting the out-of-school time (OST) field. STEM Next has set an ambitious goal to excite 20 million more youth and teens, especially girls, students of color, and those in underserved communities by 2030. Through its signature initiatives, the Institute for a STEM Ready America and the Million Girls Moonshot, STEM Next is working to ensure that every child has STEM opportunities that inspire curiosity, innovation, and the critical thinking skills for whatever comes NEXT. Learn more at

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