This summer, the Carroll County Area YMCA experienced a transformative boost thanks to a grant from the Missouri AfterSchool Network (MASN). Candice Cabaniss, the Program Director, and Kathy Lock, the Executive Director, shared their insights on how this funding has profoundly impacted their summer program and the broader community.

The summer program, which operates under the Grand River and Chillicothe YMCA, serves school-age children from 5 to 12 years old. Licensed for 60 children, the program typically hosts around 48 children during the summer. This year, the ARPA SummerEnrichment grant allowed for overstaffing, a crucial enhancement, especially for supporting two special needs children requiring one-on-one care. “This summer, I’ve almost been able to do a one-on-one and have inclusion with them,” Candice noted, emphasizing the grant’s role in fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment.

With the grant, Candice has been able to invest in curriculum-based activities, particularly in STEM education. “We do a lot of STEM with Legos, and Legos are expensive,” she noted. The funds have enabled the purchase of extra supplies to support weekly themes, ranging from arts and crafts to educational field trips. 

The grant facilitated two major field trips this summer. The first, a nature exploration at Knob Noster State Park, was a resounding success. The children learned kayaking and fishing, many for the first time, while staff members also enjoyed and engaged in the activities. “It was cool to watch the staff and kids both engage and learn,” Candice remarked. The second trip, a bowling outing in Chillicothe, tied into the program’s physical activity classes, integrating educational elements like math and angles.

Candice emphasized the importance of these experiences, stating, “We wouldn’t have been able to do a lot of this and be as successful if it wasn’t for the funding that was provided.” The grant also allowed for the purchase of additional supplies, such as binoculars and bug catchers, enhancing the educational value of their nature hikes. “We were hiking and looking and saw Missouri nature. We had bug catchers and little bug glasses. We were just exploring. It was cool,” she said.

One unique aspect of the Carroll County YMCA’s program is its scholarship initiative. Understanding that childcare can be expensive, the YMCA offers scholarships to families who don’t qualify for state subsidies but still need financial assistance. This approach ensures that more children can benefit from the enriching experiences the program offers. Candice noted, “It’s one of our mission-driven statements…we can still do a scholarship so these parents don’t have to pay full prices.”

Candice shared the personal impact of the funding on her role and growth within the organization. “I love my position. I’ve been here five years, and I’ve continued to grow. Each year I’ve grown and gained knowledge and resources. That’s been a great benefit,” she said, expressing gratitude for the opportunities provided by the grant.

Kathy Lock highlighted the importance of continued funding for the sustainability and growth of their child care program. The relief funds have been a silver lining of the pandemic, allowing the program to enhance its offerings year after year. “I have personally seen, over the last five years, our childcare program continue to increase enrollment, staffing, opportunities, and equipment,” Kathy shared.

The Summer Enrichment grant has not only supported the immediate needs of the summer program but has also contributed to the long-term vision of expanding and improving the YMCA’s facilities and services. The impact of this funding is evident in the enriched experiences of both the children and the staff, fostering a thriving and supportive community. Kathy emphasized the critical role of such grants in maintaining and enhancing the quality of out-of-school time services, which have seen continuous improvement in enrollment, staffing, and available opportunities.

Candice’s testimonial underscores the profound impact of MASN’s support. “We thank MASN for being on the front lines as well and having these opportunities for us,” she said. Her passion and dedication to the program are evident in her words, reflecting the positive changes brought about by the grant.

The Summer Enrichment grant has played a crucial role in elevating the Carroll County Area YMCA’s summer program. From enhancing educational activities to supporting inclusive staffing, the funding has made a significant difference. As Candice aptly put it, “What MASN does for programs is so important,” underscoring the vital role of grants in empowering local communities and enriching the lives of children.

Funding for the ARPA Summer Enrichment grant was made possible through a contract with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to distribute a portion of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 1% Set-aside for Summer Enrichment to youth serving programs across the state.

Categories: MASN Blog