The Missouri AfterSchool Network builds partnerships and systems across the state that improve, support, and sustain high-quality afterschool programs. The Missouri AfterSchool Network began in 2002 with funding from the C. S. Mott Foundation and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to bring together partners to envision a system to support afterschool programs throughout the state. We work toward the shared goals of:
- Building partnerships at the local, state, and national levels.
- Supporting policies that sustain and advance afterschool programs.
- Ensuring quality by creating statewide systems for programs and professionals.
Afterschool Leadership Team
The Afterschool Leadership Team is the leadership organization resulting from a merger between the MOSAC2 Board of Directors (NAA Affiliate) and MASN Steering Committee. The Afterschool Leadership Team promotes the importance of afterschool, works toward increased state funding for afterschool programs, provides professional development and resources to afterschool professionals and programs, and carries out the organization’s strategic plan through four volunteer committees.
Leadership Team Co-Chair
Leadership Team Co-Chair
Quality/Professional Development Chair
Quality/Professional Development Vice-Chair
Policy and Advocacy Chair
Policy and Advocacy Vice-Chair
STEM Chair
STEM Vice-Chair
Public Awareness Chair
Public Awareness Vice-Chair
Leanne Cantu, Parkway-Rockwood Adventure Club
Stoney Hays, Boys and Girls Clubs of the Ozarks
Tyler Kearns, Clayton Kid Zone
Rebecca Longenecker, Nixa XLT
Deborah Taylor, Consultant
Kim Albrecht, Clayton Kid Zone
Megan McMurray, Camp Fire Heartland
Erica Kreisler-Schadegg, Kids’ Safari Three Trails & Fairmount
Organizational Members