Afterschool programs play a crucial role in shaping students’ futures by offering enriching experiences beyond the classroom. Multiple grant opportunities are now available to support these initiatives, providing funding for workforce development, entrepreneurship education, STEM learning, and more. These grants not only offer financial assistance but also foster valuable partnerships between schools, businesses, and the community.
Why The Mini-Grants Matter
Through such funding opportunities, programs gain access to curriculum, peer learning communities, technical assistance, and other resources that enhance their projects. Chamber Grants, for example, offer a unique chance to collaborate with the local community, allowing them to witness firsthand the impact of afterschool programs in preparing students for the future. Entrepreneurship education, in particular, empowers students by teaching them how to develop an idea into a viable business while instilling key entrepreneurial mindsets and skills that contribute to success in all aspects of life.
Entrepreneurship education helps students develop their “entrepreneurial mindsets,” identify their skills and interests, and discover ways to apply their talents to solve problems in both their personal lives and communities. Aaron Banks, youth workforce initiatives coordinator with the Missouri AfterSchool Network, explains, “Entrepreneurship is more than starting a business; it’s a way of thinking and acting. It’s a mindset and set of skills.” Key traits like creativity, opportunity-seeking, adaptability, persistence, and optimism encourage students to see challenges as opportunities and take charge of their lives. These entrepreneurial skills are essential for success both in and out of the classroom and are highly sought after in today’s workforce. Through entrepreneurship programs, you can engage local civic, business, and elected leaders to serve as mentors, guest speakers, and pitch challenge judges, empowering them to become champions for your youth and programs.
A key element of an afterschool program’s success is local business community engagement. If you’re looking to build connections with your business community and gain new partners, the Missouri AfterSchool Network (MASN) offers a mini-grant opportunity that may serve as a catalyst.
Available Grant Opportunities
ARPA Afterschool Enrichment Grants
Open: Now | Close: March 31
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s finance division has provided MASN with funding to distribute mini-grants to afterschool programs.
Information on these grants will be shared in the Pipeline and on the MASN website as it becomes available.
More than 20 enrichment grant opportunities are currently listed on the MASN website, funded by the ARPA 1% set aside for afterschool programs.
Funding options include STEM kits from STEMfinity, support for attending the National Afterschool Association (NAA) conference, and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) resources.
Be sure to check the MASN website regularly for additional opportunities, including new packages from MOSAC vendors.
Youth Entrepreneurship Micro-Grants
Open: March 3 | Close: April 30
These micro-grants provide funding for afterschool programs to launch entrepreneurship projects.
Funds can be used for supplies, materials, equipment, or other needs to help students develop and execute their business ideas.
Details about the application process will be included in the Pipeline when the grant cycle begins.
Building Business/Community Partnerships for Afterschool Success Grants (Chamber Grants)
Open: March 3 | Close: April 30
These mini-grants support local communities in creating partnerships between businesses and afterschool programs.
The focus areas include:
- Career awareness
- Post-secondary planning
- Entrepreneurship education
- Service learning
These grants are an excellent opportunity to strengthen community engagement and ensure that students have access to high-quality learning beyond the school day. If you’re involved in an afterschool program, don’t miss out on these valuable resources.