It’s time! The 2024-2025 ARPA Afterschool Enrichment Grant program, an initiative designed to increase the quality and accessibility of afterschool programs, providing meaningful, impactful experiences for students. This targeted funding opportunity helps programs address the unique needs of youth who were most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Purpose of the Grants
The core aim of the ARPA Afterschool Enrichment Grant is to expand access to high quality afterschool programs that support the social, emotional, mental health, and overall wellbeing of students, particularly those most impacted by the pandemic. The grants are intended to remove barriers to quality educational programming based on geography, socio-economic factors, and demographics, and to ensure that children and youth with disabilities or other traditionally marginalized populations have equitable access to high-quality afterschool programs.
Eligible afterschool programs can apply for “enhancement packages” that provide resources, professional development, and experiences to counteract the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including students’ social, emotional, academic, mental health, and physical well-being. Programs will need to demonstrate how they provide services to one or more of the following disproportionately impacted populations:
- Students from low-income families
- Children with disabilities
- English language learners
- Migratory students
- Students experiencing homelessness
- Children and youth in foster care
- Youth involved in the criminal justice system, minority students, or those who have missed in-person instruction or did not consistently participate in remote learning
Eligible Entities*
The following organizations are eligible to apply for the Afterschool Enrichment Grants:
- Community-based organizations (e.g., YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, and other 501c3 organizations)
- Faith-based organizations offering non-religious afterschool programs
- School districts and institutions of higher education that run afterschool programs
- Local government entities, such as parks and recreation departments, housing authorities, etc.
*Note: All applying programs will need a Department Vendor Number (DVN) to document their licensing status. Programs may be licensed, license-exempt, or exempt from licensure, but those without a DVN must complete the Program Evaluation Questionnaire to document their status.
Priority points will be awarded to programs that operate five days a week for nine months of the year, with afterschool programs serving only school-age children.
Funding Availability and Timeline
While the ARPA funding officially ends in September 2024, Missouri has applied for a waiver to extend the use of any unspent funds. Programs receiving grants must submit their invoices by May 31, 2025 to ensure payment. Failing to meet this deadline could result in forfeiture of funds.
Grant Opportunities
Option 1 – Program Enhancements
Programs can apply for specific enhancement packages aimed at improving staff capacity, student engagement, and overall program quality. These packages, including staffing support, participation in the DESSA tool, educational field trips, family engagement events, and more, are designed to supplement existing resources and boost the services offered to students.
Additional Enhancements Include:
- Staffing for Special Needs Students, Enrichment Staff, Content Specialist, etc. (varies)
- Educational Field Trips ($2000 per additional trip)
- Family Engagement Events ($2000 per additional event)
- Assess-Plan-Improve Coaching ($1500 per site)
- MOSAC Registration & Travel ($1500 per additional person)
- Youth Leadership High Impact Event ($5000 for travel)
- 220 Leadership Professional Development Series (varies)
Ready to Apply?
Be sure to review the 2024-2025 ARPA Afterschool Enrichment Grant Guidance by clicking the blue button below. The application process allows for multiple submissions and includes the option to copy answers from previous applications for added convenience.
Click the Apply Now button to start the application process and take advantage of these valuable grant opportunities. Together, we can help ensure that all youth, especially those impacted most by the pandemic, have access to the enriching afterschool programs they deserve!
Funding for the ARPA Afterschool Enrichment Grant was made possible through a contract with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to distribute a portion of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 1% Set-aside for Afterschool to youth serving programs across the state.