Traditionally, summer school and summer enrichment have served different purposes, yet more and more they are seen to complement each other providing well rounded educational experiences for students.
Learn more with MASN’s latest video highlighting the amazing work the Eldon LEAP Afterschool Program has accomplished to successfully blend summer school and summer enrichment programing.
The Eldon School District takes a wholistic approach by coordinating their school day, afterschool, and summer enrichment offerings, providing comprehensive support to families, especially those employed by the growing manufacturing industry in Eldon.
The Eldon LEAP program serves as an example in many other ways too due to LEAP Director, Colleen Abbott’s vision to provide K-12 students with experiences in youth entrepreneurship, STEM, and career awareness and post-secondary access (CAPSA) inspiring our future workforce.
Interested in applying for 2024 Summer Enrichment funding? Read more in this MASN blog post.