MASN is excited to announce our partnership with Girls Who Code! Now access free Girls Who Code curriculum and training through us!

Looking to incorporate STEM into your programs this school year? You’re in luck! Girls Who Code designed the perfect coding curriculum so you don’t have to – all 100% free, refreshed every year, and open to all genders in their girls-supportive environment.

This year, when you start a free Girls Who Code Club and enroll 3 or more members, you’ll be eligible to receive up to $500 to purchase materials and supplies for your Club.

There’s no obligation and every Club gets access to 120+ hours of plug-and-play programming with CSTA standards-aligned coding lessons.

Indicate you are part of the Missouri AfterSchool Network on the Clubs application, and you’ll unlock additional support, access to special events, and exclusive opportunities for swag. No coding experience required!

Check out this informational flyer for more details. Want to learn more? Visit with Girls Who Code representatives during MOSAC2 or visit their website. When you’re ready to get started, sign up!

Categories: MASN Blog